In today's candle industry there are many differing views surrounding the different waxes available and the positives or negatives that each type offers. The most commonly used waxes in today’s market are that of #Paraffin & #Soy. #Beeswax, #Palm wax, #Stearin, #Gels and an array of blends are also commonly used.
In the candle industry today there are many differing views surrounding the different waxes available and the positives or negatives that each type offers. The most commonly used waxes in today’s market are that of #Paraffin & #Soy. #Beeswax, #Palm wax, #Stearin, Gels and an array of blends are also commonly used.
The Internet is a flood with articles portraying certain waxes inferior and outdated, with other types undeniably superior. In truth there are benefits and shortfalls to all types of wax and, logically, a professionally bound blend of waxes can help to emphasize the benefits and eliminate the shortfalls of individual waxes. The perfect Soy & Paraffin blend allows for the cleanest possible Soy burn whilst maintaining the stable and staggering Paraffin scent throw we all know and love.
The National Candle Association (America) provides information regarding different types of wax, many of which can be found in their ‘Candle Wax Facts’
Scented candles are a piece of art that rely entirely on their different components working together in complete harmony to allow a stable burn and optimal fragrance dispersion. Wax type and quality is undoubtedly an important component; as is the size, placement, fabric and treatment of the wick; as is the quality and choice of fragrance oil; as is the fragrance-wax bonding ratio and method; as is the pouring temperature; as is the curing time frame and environment…it goes on and on. Every component must be chosen with its counterparts in mind to produce a truly premier scented candle.
We have found a professionally blended wax can emphasise the benefits and minimise the shortfalls of individual waxes to offer superior burn and scent throw.